Friday, July 18, 2008

Brave little dog

Today Emma and I were walking Rocky (that our dogs name) around the neighborhood and we were walking by our bus stop when we saw this cat that we knew. So Emma went to pet him, so I was waiting and I heard this rustling sound and around the corner came this Saint Bernard. At first it just walked around us but then Rocky started to bark at it, so it started to come toward me and Rocky. The dog looked mean so I let go of Rocky's leash and ran. Rocky charged at the dog and the Saint Bernard look surprised, turned around, and ran with Rocky not too far behind. The Saint Bernard ran to it's home and ran to it backyard. Rocky didn't go into the backyard so I went and got him and Emma and we went home.


Hope & Ryley said...

lol I didn't know Rocky had it in him! :) I mean I know that he barks and growls at other dogs, but I didn't think he'd actually go after them! What an experience for you! That would have freaked me out!

Stacey said...

Wow! Go Rocky!!! I guess the St. Bernard wasn't such a Saint afterall. Chicken sounds more like it!


I'll tell Devin about your blog!

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