Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yesterday we learned this game called Bingo. Okay, the way you play Bingo is while driving around in a car you look for yellow vehicles, and if you see one you say Bingo! When we go places like Lego Robotics I memorize were yellow cars are so I get more points.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I got a DS

On August 11 I got a Nintendo DS and a game called Lego Indiana Jones. It was a lot of fun I got half of the game done think anyone should try this game.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little hitchhiker

Today my mom and some friends and I went for a twenty mile hike and we saw a little owl that was injured so we picked him or she up and keep ed walking and some rangers came and took it somewhere.

Monday, August 4, 2008


On Saturday we went fishing it was alot of fun but we didn't catch anything we were told that the fish were at the bottom of the lake because the surface was to worm but ws still had fun.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Brave little dog

Today Emma and I were walking Rocky (that our dogs name) around the neighborhood and we were walking by our bus stop when we saw this cat that we knew. So Emma went to pet him, so I was waiting and I heard this rustling sound and around the corner came this Saint Bernard. At first it just walked around us but then Rocky started to bark at it, so it started to come toward me and Rocky. The dog looked mean so I let go of Rocky's leash and ran. Rocky charged at the dog and the Saint Bernard look surprised, turned around, and ran with Rocky not too far behind. The Saint Bernard ran to it's home and ran to it backyard. Rocky didn't go into the backyard so I went and got him and Emma and we went home.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bear Fight youtube video

You guys have to watch this video, it's HILARIOUS!

youtube video

this plain werid

Wii games shopping

Today we went to the store and bought Guitar Hero 3 and Super Mario Galaxy. So far we only have played Guitar Hero and it is alot of fun even though I can only get past the first song.


Hello welcome to my blog were we will be happy no frowns just smiles, just kidding but smiles would be nice but any way welcome.

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